所在地 | 〒1510072 東京都渋谷区幡ケ谷2-1-1 |
カテゴリ | 演劇、ミュージカル |
公式サイトURL | http://www.tokyoplayers.org/ |
設立 | - |
受賞歴 | |
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活動紹介 | Founded in 1896, Tokyo International Players (TIP) is a theatrical organization comprised primarily of the Tokyo foreign community, which provides quality English-language entertainment for international audiences. Although TIP is essentially a non-profit group, the work it produces is by no means amateur. Over its long history, many active members have appeared in professional theatre in Japan and abroad. TIP is 100% volunteer-run. We are always looking for new on-stage talent, directors, designers, and backstage crew, as well as people to support our various front-of-house, fundraising, and promotional activities. Enthusiasm, energy, and a fun-loving nature are more important than experience. Want to become part of the TIP? Visit our GET INVOLVED page. |
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[情報提供] 2010/05/10 07:41 by CoRich案内人
[最終更新] 2021/12/04 17:11 by TIP Publicity